Left over diagnose sample bank

Sample collection of any kind of left over samples (serum, plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, tissues...) obtained at the Parc de Salut Mar during the diagnostic process.

The historical origin of this collection is the leftover samples from patient's diagnostic testing.

Patient eligibility criteria

Patients with any pathology that are candidates for surgical intervention, or biopsy, or blood (or other fluids) sample analysis.

Inclusion criteria

Patients for recruitment must accomplish the following criteria:

  • Any patient with a clinical indication for biopsy or extirpation (minor or major surgery) will be eligible to be included in the biobank.
  • Any patient with a clinical indication of blood or other fluids sample test.
  • Sign the informed consent form.

Samples types collected

Serums, plasma, spinal cord fluid, urine, left over tissues and other fluids.

More than 18.000 samples are collected each year.

Scientific purpose and interest

To obtain samples from patients and make them available to the scientific community to facilitate, to promote and to develop national and international scientific research regarding several pathologies.

Altres Collections