Cerebral infarction (ICTUS) sample bank
Serum and plasma sample collection from patients diagnosed of cerebral infarction.
The historical origin of this collection is the project: Epidemiologic study, serum bank and gene bank of cerebrovascular disease in the Hospital del Mar (BASICMAR) area.
Inclusion criteria
Admitted patients in Hospital del Mar diagnosed of cerebral infarction with ischemic or hemorrhagic etiology, without age limitation.
- Magnetic resonance imaging and/or TAC tests.
- Sign the informed consent form.
Sample types collected
Serum and plasma.
Scientific purpose and interest
To increase our understanding on ischemic stroke, facilitating the discovering of new risk biomarkers.
Altres Collections
DNA bank for oncological diseases
Left over diagnose sample bank
Cryopreserved tumour bank
DNA bank for cardiovascular diseases
Bank of samples from influenza A (H1N1) patients
Bank of lung disease samples (Lung Biobank Platform)
Hematological malignancies bank
Collection Alzheimer and families (Alfa Study)
ERyME: Sample collection from patients with rheumatic or muscle-skeletal disease
FORTIAM, acute myocardial infarction sample collection
GLOSEN: Glomerular diseases sample collection