DNA bank for cardiovascular diseases
Collection of samples from cardiovascular diseases most prevalent in the Spanish population: heart attack, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, stroke and congestive heart failure, as well as the information associated with these samples.
Patient eligibility criteria
Patients must have been diagnosed with one of the following conditions according to the standardized definitions and guides from international scientific societies:
- Heart attack: Following the definition proposed by the AHA Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, the World Heart Federation Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Epidemiology and Prevention, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (Luepker RV, et al. Circulation 2003; 108(20)2543-9). This definition is based on biomarkers of necrosis, electrocardiograms and symptoms.
- Hipertensión arterial: se incluye la hipertensión arterial esencial, primaria o idiopática definida como presión arterial sistólica > 140 mmHg o diastólica >90 mmHg.
- Congestive heart failure: There are different types of diagnostic criteria. This collection includes donors who meet the criteria C and D proposed by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association described as: structural heart disease with current or prior symptoms of heart failure (Stage C), and advanced structural heart disease with symptoms of heart failure at rest (Stage D) (Hunt SA, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001; 38:2101-13).
- High blood pressure: includes essential, primary or idiopathic hypertension, defined as a systolic blood pressure > 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg
- Atrial fibrillation: Supraventricular arrhythmia characterized by disorganized electrical activity in the atria with deterioration of mechanical atrial function (Fuster V et al. Circulation 2006; 114:e257-354). Cases of atrial fibrillation without associated structural heart disease are included (called isolated atrial fibrillation).
- Sign the informed consent form.
Sample types collected
DNA samples from patients with cardiovascular disease.
Scientific purpose and interest
To help increase our understanding of the genetic universe of the population residing in Spain, as well as its predisposition to suffering from cardiovascular diseases, in this way facilitating the knowledge of: What genes affect the development of diseases or protect against them; What diseases are influenced by the environment in which the individual lives; what genes affect the effectiveness or resistance to specific treatments.
Altres Collections
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Left over diagnose sample bank
Cryopreserved tumour bank
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Hematological malignancies bank
Collection Alzheimer and families (Alfa Study)
ERyME: Sample collection from patients with rheumatic or muscle-skeletal disease
FORTIAM, acute myocardial infarction sample collection
GLOSEN: Glomerular diseases sample collection