Biobank External Committees

The Biobank external scientific and ethics committees are integrated of a minimum of four members which do not have direct relationship with the biobank activity and with enough knowledge to realize the required duties.

Both committees have internal procedures rules, with the adequate mechanisms to ensure no conflicts of interest in the taking decisions process.

If one committee’s member has a personal or professional interest in a concrete issue, this member must abstain from take part in the decision process.

The biobank will communicate the identity of the external committee’s members.

Biobank External Ethics Committee (CEIC)

The Ethics Committee’s functions are:

  • The ethical evaluation of the requests of biological samples and associated data. In the event of an unfavorable decision, this will have binding character.
  • To advice the scientific director about the established procedures to guarantee the quality, the security and the traceability of the samples and its associated data stored at the MARBiobanc. Also, to assess about the ethical associated procedures of the biobank operation.
  • To advice the scientific director about the ethical and legal aspects of the Good Biobank Practices.
  • To decide in which cases it is necessary to send relevant information to the donor of the obtained results with his samples during the research process which will be significant to their health.
  • To assist the scientific director when required.


According to the current legislation, the CEIC (Comitè ètic d'investigació clínica - IMIM Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques) - Parc de Salut Mar composition will be partially renovated every two years..

Biobank External Scientific Committee (CCE)

The Biobank External Scientific Committee’s functions are:

  • The scientific evaluation of the requests for biological samples and its associated data.
  • To advice the scientific director about the established procedures to guarantee quality, security and traceability of the samples and its associated data stored at MARBiobanc. Also, assess about the scientific associated procedures of the biobank operation.
  • To advice the scientific director about scientific and technical aspects of the Good Biobank Practices.
  • To assist the scientific director when required.


  • President: 
    Laura Comerma
  • Secretary:
    Mª Concepción Fernández
  • Members: 
    Xavier Nogués
    Joana Porcel 
    Olga Castañer
    Miguel Angel Mayer
    Mitona Pujadeas
    Manuel Pera


Meetings will take place once a month.