On September 15, World Lymphoma Day is celebrated to remember the importance of this disease and the symptoms to make an earlier diagnosis, key to the fight against this disease.
It is a type of cancer that affects the cells of the lymphatic system, responsible for dealing with infections and neoplastic diseases, made up of the lymph nodes, the spleen, the thymus and the bone marrow.
It is divided into two main groups:
· Hodgkin lymphoma. It is mainly suffered by young people, and more often by men than by women.
· Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is the sixth most common cancer in women and the seventh in men and is more common in adults than in children.
We can all contribute in biomedical research progress. If you wish you can donate the left over material after diagnosis obtained during the treatment process (blood samples, biological liquids and tissue) for carrying out biomedical research without causing you any additional inconvenience. There is a network of biobanks managing human biological samples for biomedical research.